Mr Shinjiro Koizumi, Parliamentary Secretary of the Cabinet Office and Parliamentary Secretary for Reconstruction, kindly sent a congratulatory cable message for children participated in "ChildAid Asia 2014."
Congratulations on holding ChildAid Asia 2014 concert.
I regret that I cannot participate today, but I hope that it is a great concert by the result of everyone's practices.
It will be a precious asset in the future that children from various environments like Japan, Singapore and Asian countries are interacting through music and a performance for holding this event.
Today, 10 months and 2 years have passed from the Great East Japan Earthquake. I expect that everyone including today's participants from Minamisoma in Fukushimas keeps their friendship. I am also hopeful for future success of your generation that forge the future of the disaster area, japan and the world.
Shinjiro Koizumi
Parliamentary Secretary of Cabinet Office
Parliamentary Secretary for Reconstruction