The online cultural festival"Little Creators Festival〜 WA" was organized to bring together children from diverse backgrounds,including foster homes,ordinary families, and overseas.
Since it was difficult to physically meet in one place due to the spread of COVID-19,
online conference systems such as Zoom were used to create opportunities for
participants from Japan and overseas to interact with each other. The festival
promoted mutual understanding by encouraging exchanges through the living culture
of each country and artwork created by the children and made them realize the value
of using IT technology as a tool.
The festival had the five pillars of art, dance, music, food culture, and interviews, and
we presented the works and production process on the website. 7,609 people accessed the website, far exceeding the initial target of 3,000.
Thank you, participants and cooperators, for your collaboration and kind thoughts.
Your support means a lot to needy children and us!